
Saturday, April 9, 2011

King Of Kong A Fistful Of Quarters

If you haven't checked out King of Kong yet you better hop on Netflix, run over to Red Box, download it from Blockbuster or TiVo it now. If you listen to the show or read the blog this is a game that you should view, if not OWN. This documentary film brings you through the turmoil surrounding a man who just wanted to beat the world record in Donkey Kong. A record that hadn't even been touched in decades. You'll cheer for the hero and hiss at the "villain." Great film I watched it with my wife and she also liked it. That's a big plus factor for any of you married folks out there. But if you love retro gaming, enjoy underdog stories and documentaries, then it's time you get your grubby retrogame playing fingers on this. The bonus features in the special edition are also really cool. They do an animated history of Donkey Kong and various other tid bits.

This gets five out of five gorillas throwing barrels.

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