
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sad Flood News from a Donor - Dreamcast damage

I received an email about a Dreamcast, SNES games and NES games found in a parents basements. The donor will remain anonymous. He offered up all this booty if I payed shipping and sent him a sketch. I'm more than happy to do so for such fantastic spoils! Shortly after receiving this amazing news I learned that his parents suffered some water in the basement. Unfortunately he had left the whole pile on the floor. (did you heart just sink? It gets worse.) His SNES was also involved in the terrible incident and may have been irrevocably damaged. I'm hoping to have him send me the units regardless to see if I can salvage these jewels of video gaming history.

Now, I want all you readers and listeners to head down to your basements or up to your attics and either put your retro gaming consoles somewhere safe or mail them off to Brian and I for safe keeping and sweet sweet playing. Game on!!!!

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