
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nintendo's '8-bit Summer' Starts Next Week

In a recent Nintendo Direct press conference, Nintendo announced a summer promotion for 3DS owners that should make retro fans very happy. Dubbed the "Summer of 8-bit," the promotion will see Nintendo releasing retro Virtual Console titles on the 3DS eShop for each week in July. Here is the list of games and dates they've put out so far:
  • The Legend of Zelda (NES) - July 5
  • Kirby's Pinball Land (Game Boy) - July 12
  • The Sword of Hope II (Game Boy) - July 12
  • Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (Game Boy) - July 19
  • Tumblepop (Game Boy) - July 19
  • Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Game Boy) - July 19
  • Sonic Blast (GameGear) - date TBA
  • Sonic Labyrinth (GameGear) - date TBA  
Not too shabby of a list, and it's great to see not only NES games, but GameBoy and SEGA GameGear games as well on the list. For me personally, I'll be picking up Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, Wario Land and both Sonic GameGear games.

Nintendo also released a trailer for the promotion, which you can check out below.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph

There's nothing more exciting for a retro gamer then seeing throw backs to their favorite characters. Wreck-It Ralph by Disney Animation seems to be dishing up what every hardcore old school gamer wants. 8-bit deliciousness, current FPS and what seems to be an interesting underlying current day commentary on gaming in general is drawing me to this movie like Mario to a mushroom! Check out the trailer, check out the cameos. This is going to be fantastic. I think I'm going to have to pick up a mic after this and have a nice chit chat with the world of Secret Identity. I am JAZZED!